The story behind BYŌDŌ®

It all started when I was little
My name is Gabriel, I am 25 years old and I am an Industrial Design Engineer.
As a child, I was always that curious and restless child who never stopped asking questions. Every time we went on a trip or out to eat, there was no way to keep me entertained for more than five minutes. You know what kind I'm talking about, right?
Nowadays, the easiest solution would be to give me a mobile phone or a tablet, but in my time, luckily, there was nothing like that. So, as you can imagine, my parents had to be a little more inventive to distract me.
My mother, who always carried a notebook in her purse, had a brilliant strategy to alleviate my anxiety.

Playing to learn
While we waited for the food to arrive, he would take out his notebook, write a list of quick questions and challenges – about history, geography… and, of course, math – and give it to me so I could distract myself by answering them.
So I, who apart from being a “restless ass” was very competitive, PLAYED , answering the questions as quickly as possible. Why? Because his emotional response, when I returned the notebook with everything answered, was so good: "Wow! Are you there? Very well! How smart my child is!"
For me (and I think for any child), feeling that your mother is proud of you, makes you feel fulfilled, right?

A change of chip
From that moment on, maths stopped being a "boring" thing and became something I enjoyed. Solving problems was like winning small battles, and each operation was another achievement.
That notebook was the beginning of a very special relationship with mathematics. In high school I got a 10 in maths, in high school I got an average of 9 and at university, the only honours I got was, of course, in mathematics.

A TFG with vision
These experiences left such a mark on me that, when the time came to do my Final Degree Project, I decided to create something that could transmit that love of numbers to other children.
This is how BYŌDŌ was born.

Make Math Great Again
BYŌDŌ® is not just a game. It is a Mathematical Game System that transforms math into something fun, manipulative and visual . With BYŌDŌ®, children (and not so children) can experience the satisfaction of solving problems through play and create their own rules, just like I did with that notebook.
Our goal is simple: to turn math from a boring challenge into an exciting game. We want every child to feel the same way I felt when my mother told me, "Well done, you're so smart!" Because those words are more powerful than we think.

Join the math revolution
If you also want your children or students to discover how amazing math can be, take a look at BYŌDŌ®.
Maybe one day, they too will look back and remember with a smile the moment when math stopped being a problem and started being a game.