What is BYŌDŌ?

BYŌDŌ® is a Mathematical Game System designed to make learning visual, manipulative and, above all, fun.

With numbered Hexagonal Tiles and Polyhedral Dice, BYŌDŌ® turns math into an interactive experience that ranges from basic operations to complex equations, all while playing and learning.

How does it work?

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BYŌDŌ® is made up of hexagonal tiles numbered from 0 to 9, with slots on the sides so that when they are connected, the following mathematical operators appear at the junction between the tiles:

  • EQUALITY (=)
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  • DIVISIÓN (÷)
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In this way, the cards allow the creation of chains of mathematical operations in a visual and manipulative way.

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The tokens always have the same distribution of operators.
So when you add or multiply, the operation goes "up" on the board; when you subtract or divide, it goes "down."

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En BYŌDŌ, las operaciones no son solo números en una hoja, son movimientos en el espacio. Imagina una escalera: si subes 3 escalones y bajas 3, sigues en el mismo lugar. Con nuestras piezas, aplicamos este mismo principio de forma visual y manipulativa.

Si un número suma y otro resta en la misma cantidad, se anulan, simplificando la operación sin alterar el resultado. De esta manera, los cálculos se vuelven intuitivos, dinámicos y fáciles de entender, transformando el aprendizaje en una experiencia tangible y lógica.

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En BYŌDŌ, no solo resolvemos operaciones, las vemos y las manipulamos. Sabemos que primero se realizan multiplicaciones y divisiones antes que sumas y restas, pero ¿y si pudieras identificar visualmente qué calcular primero?

Con nuestras piezas, los números y operadores se organizan de forma intuitiva, permitiéndote agrupar y simplificar operaciones de un vistazo. Así, el proceso matemático se vuelve claro, estructurado y fácil de seguir, sin necesidad de memorizar reglas de forma abstracta.

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En BYŌDŌ, aunque las fichas solo tienen números del 0 al 9, podemos representar cualquier número mayor conectándolas por la punta. Así, los números de dos o más cifras toman forma de manera natural y manipulativa.

Por ejemplo, al unir dos fichas con el número 6, creamos un 66, y si sumamos un 34, obtenemos 100. De esta manera, los cálculos con números grandes se vuelven visuales, tangibles y fáciles de entender.

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BYŌDŌ® also includes unknown tiles, X and Y, which allow you to solve equations, or, depending on the game, act as wild cards.

How to play?

We have a number of game proposals already defined, but the fun part of BYŌDŌ® is that everyone can invent their own game!

Discover our BYŌDŌGAMES and let the math fun begin!

See instructions

Fun and Collaborative Learning

BYŌDŌ not only makes math fun, but also encourages collaboration. Students can work together to create equations and solve challenges, promoting teamwork and communication.

Key Benefits

Visual and Manipulative

Numbers and operations are represented in a tangible way, facilitating understanding.

Encourage Creativity

Teachers and students can design their own games, making learning a unique experience.

Adaptable to Different Levels

From basic operations to complex equations, Byodo is flexible for any educational level.

Collaborative Learning

It encourages teamwork and joint problem solving.